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Kabbalists Receive Light in Autumn

Mechanisms of Rectified Influence

Tell the Story backwards:
In Spring the mysteries
of Autumn reveal themselves

Posted in Home, Mosaics, Poems

Each Bird Must Carry Her Own Light

“We must gather and carry the sparks of Birdlight, OrTzipor, into the future. And when that big bird’s nest in the heaven-sky is filled with light, there will be peace in all the worlds, shalom be-khol ha-olamim!” Quote from the

Posted in Home, Mosaics

Broken Glass Ukulele Blues

After creating a Tree of Life shower, a mosaic fire window, and a swirling bathroom countertop, I wanted to do something reasonably sized, like an ukulele.  Yet somehow, in an extended moment of temporary insanity, I purchased enough scrap glass to build

Posted in Home, Mosaics

Riffing on a Peacock Feather

Our stomach was originally our brain
I heard it on the radio

Posted in Home, Mosaics, Poems

Teshuvah for Vampires

My grandson said, Bhaju, you’re definitely an old hippie.
I said, Yeah, but what do you mean?
Rainbow everything, he said. Peace love and joy.

Posted in Home, Mosaics, Poems

My Mother’s Kaleidoscope

My mother, Pesa Brahna bat Shaindl v’Mordchai was a priestess, albeit a broken one. I inherited her kaleidoscope— the way the shattered world rushed towards her in brilliant sparks and slivers of light multiplied by mirrors, multi-dimensional moments of exquisite

Posted in Home, Mosaics

Maggidah Cassandra Sagan

Writer, Musician, Artist, Story-teller